Winter 2010 Geneablogger Games Finals

I had high hopes for completing the Gold in all categories, however, I sidelined my self with an injury.  I did however complete:

Platinum (tasks A-E) in the Organize Your Research.

 Platinum in the Go Back and Cite Your Sources! (70 sources)

Bronze in the Expand Your Knowledge Task E

Diamond in Back Up Your Data (tasks A-E) 

I still plan on accomplishing Reach Out & Perform Genealogical Acts of Kindness!

Tombstone Tuesday – Charles and Mary Elizabeth Clark

Great-Grandfather and Great-Grandmother, Charles Clark 1870-1943 and Mary Elizabeth Durbin Clark 1861-1949.  Family lore tells the story of Mary Elizabeth Durbin being attacked and raped by boys on the neighboring farm.  She bore a child, refused to marry either of the boys, but gave the child their last name.  She was never ashamed of what happened and spoke out about it when her family tried to hush her up.  She fell in love with Great-Grandfather and they eloped against her parents wishes.  Charles was 18 and Mary Elizabeth 26 when they married – unheard off and another scandal for the Durbin’s.  Charles and Mary were blessed with seven children, and together they raised her first son.  My father remembers Mary always wore boots and loved to go out side and play with her grandchildren.  He said she would place tag in those boots and always tagged her fair share during play.

Bruce Clark, murdered October 7, 1968

I had word from my Uncle Otis, that the trial of the man accused of killing my Uncle Bruce Clark in 1968 will begin on March 2.  I wish I had the ability to be at the trial, but Illinois is just too out of reach at the moment.  My family said they will call daily to let me know what is going on.    My Uncle’s murderer has walked free for years even though he had confessed.  The State luckily found about fifteen people willing to testify, hopefully this will put the matter at rest.  There was a point that one of my Uncles and then one of my cousins was accused of the murder.  Bad police work, sloppy court work, and a sheriff with a grudge against my family were factors in the freedom of the murderer.  Quite frankly I would be happy with an apology to my family from the Sheriff, the State’s Attorney’s Office, and the police department.  Justice although slow is still marching through central Illinois.


Just completed item  Task E from #4  Expand Your Knowledge, create a surname visualization using WordleWord It Out or a similar application.  Post the graphic to your blog.  One task completed a Bronze medal.  Juliana has now scanned about eighty photos.  I have about thirty of them assigned an id number within their appropriate MRIN file and have posted the pictures in my genealogy database.


Update on status – I’v gotten no where!  Monday morning I decided to clean my air vents, stuck my head in the vent while cleaning  and got debris in my eyes while wearing contacts.  I have scratched my cornea and have been unable to see well.  My eyes are so swollen, I have been at the mercy of my kids and hubby for the last couple days.  I’m hoping to be able to read soon to finish up.  Doctor says no lengthy computer or reading.  I need to rest my eyes and recoup.  I’m going to do my best to behave and get back in the games!


On a roll! I just finished going through about six more families and their documents (approximately 40 more pieces).  I have everything in order, checked, cited and scanned into my genealogy database..  I backed up my data and put both an archive cd and flash drive in the safe along with my families most precious documents.  I ordered archival storage for both the photos and documents.  Photos that have been scanned are in waterproof containers.  I have completed Task E for the month, Task B is almost completed, Task D is almost done and should be completed fairly quickly since I a college student daughter looking for ways to make money.  Juliana is much faster at scanning and citing than I am.  I have organized my research, completed task A,  B, C.

So far I have accomplished:
Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond and Platinum in the Go Back and Cite Your Sources!  

Bronze, Silver, Gold in the Back Up Your Data category.  

Gold Medal (tasks A, B, & C) in the Organize Your Research.


Today I pulled out my documents concerning my Clark/Poundstone line (MRIN #3).  I have written the correct citations on all of the paperwork, marriage certificate, certificates of death and birth, newspapers clippings and everything else filed under MRIN#3.  I have also correctly updated my genealogy database with the corrected citations.  After several hours, mostly double checking to see if I have everything correct, I am done with that file – 63 pieces of family history correctly cited!!!!!!!  Then I backed up my data on my external hard drive, and looked up information on storage on the web.

If I figure this correctly I have accomplished a Platinum medal in the Go Back and Cite Your Sources and  Task C – Gold Medal under the Back Up Your Data event.  I put in a good start to Task A, will start on Task B in the morning I hope!